
Ohmicide Eurorack Manual

Table of Contents

This manual covers Ohmicide firmware v1.0


Ohmicide is a stereo distortion Eurorack module, inspired by its eponymous software plug-in.

Automate for live conditions with small rack space. Rythmic distortions


Follow the instructions below carefully to avoid any damages.

  1. Power down your Eurorack system before installing the module
  2. Locate a position in your rack to install the module. Ohmicide requires 14HP of space
  3. Connect the 10-pin connector to the module, making sure pins are aligned and most importantly that the red stripe on the ribbon cable matches the "RED" marking on the module
  4. Connect the 16-pin connector to your rack, and ensure that the red stripe on the ribbon cable matches the -12V pin on the header
  5. Position the module in the desired position in your rack
  6. Secure the module to the rack using the 4 supplied screws. Do not overtighten
  7. Power up your Eurorack system

Technical Specifications


  • Width: 14HP
  • Height: 3U
  • Depth: 26mm with power connector
  • Power Consumption
    • +12V: 120mA
    • -12V: 10mA
    • +5V: 0mA (unused)


  • Sample rate: 48kHz
  • Hardware audio converters bit-depth: 24-bit
  • Internal processing bit-depth: 32-bit floating point
  • True Stereo Audio
  • High fidelity Texas Instruments Burr-Brown audio converters


  • Knobs resolution: 16-bit (65536 distinct values)
  • CV Inputs
    • Voltage: ±5V (0..5V compatible)
    • Resolution: 16-bit (65536 distinct values)


  • Current distortion type, screen contrast ans saver mode, TYPE and FAM CV ±5V or 0..5V options
  • 16 sequences
    • 8 steps, each step being a snapshot of all knobs and switches
    • All knobs options
    • Sequence length
    • Step reset mode

USB Port

  • Type: Micro-B

The USB port is only used to update the module firmware.



Ohmicide Eurorack routing

The signal is first splitted into 2 bands using the XOVER parameter. The lower band is not processed, allowing to preserve the bass content for more control.

The higher band then goes into a Low-pass filter which frequency is controlled with LPF IN. This allows to remove smoothly some harmonic content before new one is added in the distortion stage.

The distortion is selected using the TYPE parameter. 37 different distortions are available, ranging from wave shapers, wave folding, saturation, overdrive, fuzz, bit crushing and completely novel distortions including a fractal chaotic feedback equation, cyclic distortions, slew rate limiters, sample & hold analog emulation, noise based distortions, a ball bouncing on walls which velocity is controlled by the input signal, a fridge emulation or one based on Lorenz strange attractors.

Each distortion then has 3 variants using the FAM switch:

  • S, "Standard" which is the raw algorithm
  • X, "Xxx" which simulates a tube amp
  • O, "Odd" which brings inharmonic distortions

The distortion can be further controlled using the BIAS and MOD parameters:

For FAM Standard and Xxx, the BIAS parameter emulates malfunctioning hardware circuirty and adds a DC offset before the distortion is applied. But don't worry, this DC offset is removed later in the signal path. For FAM Odd, the BIAS parameter controls the distance between harmonics: normally a distortion harmonics are all multiplicative of the fundamental. FAM Odd allows to expand or shrink the relation between those harmonics, making it inharmonic.

The MOD parameter is then specific for each distortion. For example it brings even harmonics for wave shapers, or change the base parameters of the algorithm itself.

Each distortion has of course a GAIN parameter from very low to extreme gain settings, with very low noise at extreme gain settings thanks to its clean audio analog circuitry.

Finally the distorted signal reaches another Low-pass filter which frequency is controlled with LPF OUT. This allows to "tame" the distortion by removing progressively the harmonics generated in the distortion stage.

In total, Ohmicide has 111 distinct sound possibilities, with BIAS and MOD for infinite number of variations.

The Ohmicide has an automatic gain staging which preserves on output the power of the input signal. This allows to play with the module without fearing the module would suddenly be extremely loud.

Every parameter can be CV controlled, and on top of that, GAIN, MOD, BIAS and XOVER also have attenuverters.

Performer Modes

The PRODUCER mode, the default when the module is switched on, is typically used at home or in the studio. No menu diving, and every change of parameter is instant. This allows for example to cycle through the entire list of distortions TYPE by just turning the encoder, letting one to "dial-in" the perfect distortion for the input sound quickly.

The more advanced Performer modes are typically used when preparing for live conditions with limited rack space. The Ohmicide software plug-in originally introduced the "Melohman" feature which allowed to "play" the plug-in using a MIDI keyboard, and this feature was adapted to Eurorack and its CV/Gate-centric workflow.

Simple Mode

The SIMPLE Performer mode is exactly like Producer mode, except a click on the encoder is needed to activate the selected distortion. Compared to the Producer mode, this allows to "jump" to a specific distortion without hearing all the distortions in between.

To access Simple mode, press TYPE for 2 seconds, a menu will appear. By rotating TYPE, navigate to PERFORMER and click TYPE. SIMPLE is already selected, press TYPE. The module will go back to its initial screen, except the frame around the current distortion is dashed.

Rotate TYPE to select the distortion. The screen will blink and show the current active distortion, and the latent one. The latent one will become the current active distortion when TYPE is pressed again.

Note: The distortion becomes active exactly when the TYPE button is released. This allows to be more precise in Live conditions, and is a common feature found on DJ consoles.

To go back to PRODUCER mode, press TYPE for 2 seconds. PRODUCER is already selected, press TYPE. You are back in the default mode.

CV and Trigger Modes

The CV MODE and TRIGGER MODE Performer modes work as a mini-sequencer inside Ohmicide, with as much as 16 individual sequences. In PRODUCER mode, you can double click on TYPE and save the current Ohmicide knobs and distos configuration in a step of the current selected sequence, for a maximum of 8 steps. In those two modes, the TYPE knob and associated CV refers to a step in the sequence.

This sequence can be then played back either as a classical step sequencer using TRIGGER MODE where the TYPE jack input acts as a trigger input, or using it as a CV to address steps in any order using CV MODE.

The sequence length can be tuned from 1 to 8 steps, and the TYPE CV input in CV MODE can be configured to handle either ±5V or 0..5V depending on the capabilities of the module controlling it.

For even more playability, each knob of a song can be configured further:

  • Latch, the default option, which allows the knob to override the current sequencer step value as soon as it is turned, until another preset is loaded,
  • Relative, which allows to modulate slightly around the sequencer step value using the knob,
  • Override, which ignores the sequencer step knob value.

To select the current sequence, press the TYPE encoder for 2 seconds, navigate to PERFORMER, then CUR SEQ. Press the encoder. By rotating the TYPE encoder choose the current sequence from 1 to 16. Once selected, navigate to BACK, press the encoder, and repeat this to go back to the initial screen.

To save the current configuration of the knobs and switches, first make sure you are in PRODUCER mode. Then press the TYPE encoder two times quickly, and the "save step" menu will appear. The first line shows the current selected sequence and allows to exit without saving the step. To save a step into the sequence, rotate the encoder to the desired step and press the encoder. The step is then saved and the module will go back to the initial screen.

To activate CV MODE or TRIGGER MODE, press the TYPE encoder for 2 seconds, navigate to PERFORMER and then choose one of those two modes and press the encoder. The module will go back to the initial screen and will show a mini representation of the sequence:

Show sequence.

To change the length of the sequence, press the TYPE encoder for 2 seconds, navigate to PERFORMER and then SEQ LEN. Press the encoder, and rotate it to choose the desired length from 1 to 8. Once selected, navigate to BACK, press the encoder, and repeat this to go back to the initial screen. The screen will now show the new sequence length.

To change the start of the sequence, rotate the TYPE encoder. The screen will blink and show the current active start, and the latent one. The latent one will become the current active start when the encoder is pressed again. In TRIGGER MODE this will also reset the current step.

Simply pressing the encoder while in TRIGGER MODE will reset the current step.

There are 2 ways to reset a step:

  • Either go to the first step immediatly. In that mode the next trigger received will increment to the second step
  • Or go the last step of the sequence. In that mode the next trigger received will increment to the first step

To change the step reset mode, press the TYPE encoder for 2 seconds, navigate to PERFORMER and then STP RST. Press the encoder, and rotate it to choose the desired mode, either IMDT (ie. immediate), or NEXT.

Finally to change the knobs option, press the TYPE encoder for 2 seconds, navigate to PERFORMER, then POTS OPTION. Navigate to the knob you desired to change, press the encoder and rotate it to choose either LAT (Latch), REL (Relative) or OVR (Override).

System Settings

0..5 CV option

By default, All CVs are ±5V, but this is not always a good option, in particular for TYPE which controls also the step in a sequence, or FAM.

Depending on your module controlling CV, some might not be able to generate negative voltages. In this case you can use the 0..5V instead.

To change the CV range of TYPE and FAM, press the TYPE encoder for 2 seconds, navigate to SETTINGS, and then to either TYPE CV of FAM CV. Click the encoder and change the value to the desired range.

Screen options

Typically for shooting a video in a controlled light environment, the screen contrast might be too high, and you might not want the screen saver to trigger.

To change the contrast of the screen, navigate to SETTINGS, then SCREEN and finally CONTRAST. Click the encoder and change to value to the desired contrast, from 0 to 15.

To change the screen saver option, navigate to SETTINGS, then SCREEN and finally SAVER. Click the encoder and change to value to the desired value, either ON or OFF.

Firmware Update

Thanks to the Daisy platform, upgrading the firmware of your module only requires a USB micro cable and a computer with the Google Chrome web browser installed.

Upgrading the firmware brings new features and bug corrections. You don't need to update the firmware if the firmware version already matches the one installed in your module.

To check your firmware version, press the TYPE encoder for 2 seconds and look at the version displayed at the bottom of the screen.

For complete up-to-date instructions, please refer to the firmware update page that can be found on the Ohmicide product page.

But in general:

  1. Make sure the USB micro cable you are going to use is not only a charging cable. If it looks too thin, or was provided with your bicycle rechargeable front and rear lights, that's most probably not going to make it
  2. Turn off your Eurorack system
  3. Remove the module from the rack
  4. Connect the USB cable to your computer and your module. At that stage a single LED will light at the center of the Daisy daugther board
  5. Go on the firmware update page that can be found on the Ohmicide product page
  6. Press the FLASH button at the top of the module (not the Daisy daugther board). At that stage another LED will "breathe" at the bottom of the Daisy daugther board
  7. On the programming page on your computer, press "Connect" and select "Daisy Bootloader - Paired"
  8. Click "Program" and wait for the process to be finished
  9. Disconnect the USB cable, and reinstall the module into your rack
  10. Turn on your Eurorack system

Test mode, Knob and CV Recalibration

Depending on electrical conditions or ambiant temperature, your module CV and knobs might be slightly off and might require recalibration.

Also, should you have a problem with the module, our support team will ask you to run "test mode" to have a rough idea of what the problem is.

This operation requires a bit of care because the module will need to be powered by your Eurorack case in order to complete successfully. You will also need a simple LFO and VCO.

To enter test mode and calibration:

  1. Turn off your Eurorack system
  2. Remove all the Eurorack patch cables connected to the module
  3. Remove the module from the rack (but keep its power cord attached)
  4. Place the module on a non-conductive surface
  5. Press the FLASH button at the back of the module, keep it pressed, and turn on your Eurorack system. The test mode welcome screen will appear
  6. Press TYPE, the screen will turn entirely red. Check that the screen is working properly, and press TYPE again
  7. Check that the MOD LED is blinking, press TYPE
  8. Check that the BIAS LED is blinking, press TYPE
  9. Turn TYPE 10 times on the left, then 10 times on the right
  10. Put the FAM switch to S, then X and then O
  11. Turn the GAIN knob fully on the left, then fully on the right, then press TYPE
  12. Repeat the previous step for the XOVER, MOD, BIAS, LPF IN, LPF OUT knobs, and then for the GAIN, MOD, BIAS and XOVER trims.
  13. Acknowledge that you have already removed all patch cables and press TYPE
  14. Wait until the module calibrates CVs automatically, then press TYPE
  15. Use your LFO in sinus mode and connect it to the GAIN CV
  16. Repeat the previous step for MOD, LPF IN, LPF OUT, BIAS, XOVER, TYPE and FAM CVs
  17. Use your VCO in sinus mode and connect it to the RIGHT input IN R first
  18. Repeat the previous step with IN L
  19. Connect a patch cable from OUT L to your audio output and make sure a 440Hz tone is playing, press TYPE
  20. Repeat the previous step with OUT R
  21. The "QC passed" stamp appears, which means that your module is in specs (no problem were found) and calibration is complete
  22. Turn off your Eurorack system, and reinstall the module into your rack
  23. Turn on your Eurorack system

Ohmicide Distortion Reference

Distortion Name Mod Bias Desciption
Disto It has a nice analog feel. The brightness of the distortion is controllable.
SftClp Waveshaper, symmetrical and soft.
HardClp Waveshaper, symmetrical and harder.
StrgrC Waveshaper, symmetrical and stronger.
Crest Waveshaper, symmetrical, and not bijective.
Fezz Waveshaper asymmetrical.
Fuss Waveshaper asymmetrical.
Attrac Multiple states distortion.
SmartE Varying waveshape. Use MOD to change the waveshape.
Sstrgi Waveshaper with ripples.
WavFld Wavefolding Cyclic waveshaper. High gain will produce ”tuned” noise.
NoizE Cyclic distortion. High gain will produce white noise.
Antipol Crest mangler. MOD to 50% will be similar to a hardclip. More than 50% will reverse the crest.
Anti+ Same as antipole, with an additional waveshaper on the crests.
Cross Waveshaper that affects the low portion of the signal.
Cubic Waveshaper. Will ‘dry’ the signal.
Vshpe Will tend to produce a higher pitched sound.
Square Waveshaped rectifier. Will tend to dry the signal much more than Rectifier.
Lowfi Slew rate limiter. This is an extreme version of a physical limitation that exists on any amplifier. MOD will change the slew rate limit, raising it will give more highs.
Lowrfi Waveshaped slew rate distortion.
BrwnNz Random walk on a waveshaper. Mod at 0 will create noise.
Filter Waveshaper followed by a resonator low pass filter. The higher the distortion gain, the higher the resonance. MOD will change the cutoff frequency.
DwnSpl Emulates an analogue sample & hold. MOD will change the hold time.
Bitcrsh Crushes the bit resolution of the signal. May oscillate when used in the Xxx mode.
Jelly Enveloppe Follower driven Distortion.
Fractl Uses a chaotic feedback equation to to distort the sound. A bit experimental, pretty weird and analogue sounding. MOD will change the recursivity depth. Use some BIAS to make it unstable.
Accum A distortion that can add low frequencies! It behaves a bit like a modulator, but it’s not. Experimental, nice on drums particularly.
TimeFr Freezes portions of the audio signal depending on the BIAS, MOD and GAIN.
Clicks Adds Vinyl clicks, with a click density depending on the MOD parameter.
ChastB A floating point mantissa distortion.
SuspB A floating point exponent distortion.
VariWS Variable asymmetrical waveshaper.
Vinyl Features RIAA filters, used in vinyl signal encoding/decoding, and an emulation of stylus degradation.
Vynil Based on the same principles as Hip.
Bounce Emulate the behaviour of a ball in a cylinder where the top and bottom move accordingly to the sound. The MOD varies the ball inertia.
Zippy Distortion using a chaotic oscillator. The MOD varies the oscillator frequency.
Valve Asymmetrical soft distortion. Produces even order harmonics which reduce when MOD rises, resulting in a brighter sound.